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11% of people diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer (CRC) are below the age of 501

It is well established that the 5-year survival rate for CRC, is greater than 90% when detected early2 


Missed detection of early-stage CRC results in poor survival rates3-5

Stage I - II


Stage III


Stage IV


Risk factors associated with CRC

A risk factor is any factor that may increase a person’s possibility of developing cancer. Some risk factors are referred to as modifiable, such as lifestyle or environmental risk factors. Others are called non-modifiable, such as inherited factors or whether someone in the family has had cancer.6

The cause of colorectal cancer is not known. Evaluating your risk factors and discussing them with the doctor may help you make more informed lifestyle and health care choices.

Modifiable Risk Factors6

low in fibre diet

A diet low in fibre

high red meat consumption

High red meat consumption, especially processed meats

physical inactivity

Physical inactivity and obesity


Consumption of alcohol and tobacco

vitamin D

Low blood level of vitamin D

Non-Modifiable Risk Factors6


Personal history of certain types of cancers (ovarian/uterine)

IBD crohns colitis

IBD, such as Crohn’s and  Ulcerative Colitis


Family history of CRC

type 2 diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes


Aged ≥ 50

diagnosis of polyps CRV

A previous diagnosis of polyps/CRC

Participation in CRC screening remains suboptimal despite national programs being in place in many countries worldwide. 

In Australia, over 50% of eligible individuals remain unscreened for CRC, and this has not changed since the national program was introduced in 2006.7

Observational studies have shown that 78-93% of people offered CRC screening, preferred blood-based tests over faecal tests, with ease and convenience being the main reason for their preference.2,8

Reasons for preferring blood-based options:2,8

  • Convenience of a blood draw 
  • Ease / comfort of a blood test
  • Lower time requirement vs faecal test

Rhythm Biosciences has developed ColoSTAT®*, a simple, affordable blood-based test for the detection of CRC, is currently being updated to meet the IVDR (In vitro diagnostic medical devices regulation) regulatory standards.


*currently in development

ColoSTAT Greem no tagline

blood test
Standard blood draw at laboratory / collection centre (with referral)
lab sample
Blood sample analysed at laboratory
Result sent to GP
GP follow-up with patient

SIMPLE – A blood test that is an easy addition to the standard panel of doctor requests. It is designed for easy adaptation by laboratories performing ELISA assays routinely. 

ACCURATE – obtains a qualitative likelihood of CRC presence based on 5 protein biomarker levels in the blood.

PATIENT-FRIENDLY – convenient and can be part of routine health control.

ColoSTAT® has the potential to:

  • Provide an alternative for those unwilling or unable to participate in current screening programs

  • Increase participation rate in CRC testing

  • Improve early diagnosis of CRC

  • Improve survival rates

  • Reduce mortality rate

  • Reduce healthcare costs associated with CRC treatment

ColoSTAT® immunoassay test does not diagnose colorectal cancer but is a tool for determining when colonoscopy or another type of diagnostic follow-up is recommended.

RHY-001 study,9 evaluated ColoSTAT®'s clinical performance, versus the gold standard, Colonoscopy, and showed an estimated sensitivity of 81.3% and specificity of 91% (overall CRC)





  2. Adler A, Geiger S, Keil A, Bias H, Schatz P, deVos T, et al. Improving compliance to colorectal cancer screening using blood and stool based tests in patients refusing screening colonoscopy in Germany. BMC Gastroenterol. 2014 Oct 17;14:183
  3. Australia colorectal cancer statistics. Available at:
  4. UK colorectal cancer statistics. Available at:
  5. US colorectal cancer statistics. Available at :
  7. National Cancer Control Indicators -
  8. Liles EG, Coronado GD, Perrin N, Harte AH, Nungesser R, Quigley N, Potter NT, Weiss G, Koenig T, deVos T. screening blood test is higher than of a fecal test offered in clinic: A randomized trial. Cancer Treatment and Research Communications. 2017 10: 27-31
  9. Data on file, October 2021

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